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1. 气化滤饼中碳赋存形态及循环掺烧可行性研究 2020年26卷第6期

李金凤.气化滤饼中碳赋存形态及循环掺烧可行性研究[J].洁净煤技术,2020,26(6):224-228. LI Jinfeng.Investigation on the occurrence of carbon in gasification filter cake and its feasibility of circulating combustion[J].Clean Coal Technology,2020,26(6):224-228.
发布时间:2021-01-08 阅读:262

2. 典型神华煤/焦官能团分布差异和反应性对比分析 2020年26卷第6期

向柏祥,熊小鹤,卢旭超,等.典型神华煤/焦官能团分布差异和反应性对比分析[J].洁净煤技术,2020,26(6):126-131. XIANG Baixiang,XIONG Xiaohe,LU Xuchao,et al.Comparative analysis on distribution difference and reactivity of the typical Shenhua coals/cokes functional groups[J].Clean Coal Technology,202
发布时间:2021-01-08 阅读:782

3. 化学链燃烧中铁基载氧体研究进展 2019年25卷第3期

魏泽华,刘道诚,荆洁颖,等. 化学链燃烧中铁基载氧体研究进展[J]. 洁净煤技术,2019,25(3):19-27. WEI Zehua,LIU Daocheng,JING Jieying,et al. Research progress on Fe-based oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion[J]. Clean Coal Technology,2019,25(3):19-27.
发布时间:2019-10-20 阅读:822
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